Thursday 20 December 2007

Behind, behind

Yes, I'm behind with everything - TAST, Christmas, shopping, cleaning - you name it, I'm behind with it. It wasn't helped by having to lie down with a migraine most of last weekend whilst my to do list got longer and longer. However, I do have 2 more TAST stitches done, only 3 more to go and then it's the end!

So, here's my Knotted Cable chain sample:

Nothing very exciting - although I liked the stitch I am definitely running out of steam now, so just did the bare minimum.

I managed a bit more with Pistil stitch, in spite of its including the dreaded French knot.

So, on to the last 3 stitches, which Sharon has already posted and then TAST will be over - I can't believe it's been a year. In the meantime I also have to complete a Christmas scrapbook which is to be my mother's main Christmas present and which isn't even half done at the moment! I won't be seeing her till Boxing Day so I might have to spend Christmas Day finishing it off. There's nothing like a bit of pressure!

I hope everyone else is more organised than I am!

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